We’ve just read a study showing that 50% of U.S. IT departments are currently relying on Independent Hardware Maintenance for post-warranty IT hardware to drive hardware OpEx downward. Another 20% of respondents aren’t currently doing so, but intend to deeply explore the concept in 2021. While significant cost reductions are triggering interest, your data center and networking teams need NOT experience sub-par service quality from independent providers.
Our industry niche, sometimes called “Third Party Maintenance (TPM providers),” has evolved greatly over the last 10 years. As a result, every day we hear stories of dissatisfaction from those that chose one of the larger independent providers, or selected simply on “lowest price.” We’ve heard from service buyers, “Well, I suppose we’re getting what we’ve paid for. This vendor is one of the largest, so our experience must be typical.” To that, we ask openly, “What methods did you use to properly vet these vendors?” And, “Why pay to be dissatisfied?”
What Differentiates XSi from its TPM Competition?
- Supports 42 security-sensitive federal agencies
- CSAT scores consistently exceeding 98%
- Incident response times averaging 5 minutes or less
- 52% of our staff joined XSI, having left a larger competitor when “quality standards were sacrificed”
- XSi has been privately held (not Private-Equity owned) for over 30 years
- Our founder is among the Board of Directors for Service Industry Association (SIA) and ASCDI, purposefully driving for greater standards in service quality/ethics among the independent service providers
- Gartner knows XSi well and cited the company as an industry “Disruptor”
- XSi welcomes RFPs and is willing to help re-design your RFP to include Service Quality standards
- XSi offers flexible coverage models and expert guidance for all servers, data storage and network hardware, to lower costs while always mitigating any potential for risk
- XSi offers free, in-depth hardware asset assessments, then proactively facilitates any needed risk/reward decision-making
Learn More about XSi
- Freely download our PDF overview brochure
- Get to know our SMEs by visiting our blog
- Ask Gartner’s VP analyst, Christine Tenneson, about XSi
- Ask us to send you applicable case studies (by industry or service type)
- Connect to me, the author, at LinkedIn
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