If you are already familiar with Independent Hardware Support, also known as Third Party Maintenance (TPM), it’s likely that you’ve previously chosen to adopt Hardware Lifecycle Management Best Practices, or even a Hybrid Hardware Support model. If you have, this blog is for you. If you have not yet done so, we can suggest other blogs to help you in answering “why,” along with estimating the value to transitioning your support model.
So, you’ve used a Third Party Maintainer before. Great! We hope you are having a wonderful experience and are beginning to move a larger percentage of your eligible hardware assets onto support from an independent provider – having a great Service Quality experience while realizing the full value of the cost savings.
Here are the reasons why we are promising to you that we are continually “Rethinking IT Maintenance:”
- For some buyers of independent support, the service does not seem to evolve or improve and innovation seems an empty promise. So, for these IT procurement pros, differentiation between providers is minimal and “who I choose” is less important than “how many OpEx dollars are saved.” For you, Rethinking IT Maintenance is our solemn vow to innovate with you, collaborating to provide something quite unique. Your world is not flat and we simply don’t approach any customized solution in that manner.
- Other buyers have already chosen based solely on lowest price, have been burnt by poor service and reluctant to consider independent hardware support ever again. For you, Rethinking IT Maintenance is our promise to think less about cost cutting for a transactional purchase and more about creating immeasurable value by solving for what others are unable or unwilling. We’re likely to ask more questions of you, than you will of us!
We believe that hardware infrastructure support and maintenance should no longer be rooted in two-dimensional perspectives – whether by an OEM or another independent support provider. Instead, it must be about an unmatched level of transparency with clients, identifying and understanding critical business obstacles. From there, we must always possess the drive and the agility to truly collaborate with each client to establish custom solutions that positively impact OpEx, CapEx, efficiency, labor, and a remarkable level of assurance.
We are continually Rethinking so that we’re able to go that “extra mile,” while maintaining that “Pioneering” reputation for which we are known.
New Service Announcement from XSi
In September 2019, we formally announced a new service: Cisco Lifecycle & Asset Assurance. If you’re looking for a better IT maintenance solution (consider entitlement compliance) and missed the announcement at the XSi LinkedIn Profile, we welcome you to read our Newsletter, XSi Team News & Gartner Recognition.
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