White Papers

Where Have Cisco Pricing, Policies & SMARTnet Support Failed its Customers?
The purpose of this white paper is to educate the reader about Cisco’s recent policy changes, while also leading the reader to potential outcomes, or solutions, they may not have previously considered. XSi strongly believes that knowledge is empowering and so we promise to continually be Rethinking IT Maintenance.

Hardware Support Remodeling – Tangible IT Cost-Cutting Measures
For those following mandates to contain current IT costs to have funding available to address a growing list of initiatives, we believe that hardware support strategies hold the greatest potential to make the most immediate and substantive impact. For those that are open to hardware support strategy remodeling, this white paper will help the reader begin to understand “why” and receive insights into “how much” can be saved within their unique environment.

Extending Hardware Lifecycles (Asset Life) – Why This Trend is Gaining in Popularity
In the last decade, more than 50% of the world’s largest companies are now embracing the promise of hardware lifecycle extensions and developing strategies to contain hardware costs, thereby proactively moving toward IT cost optimization objectives. Perceptions have changed, especially in the last eight years, about hardware lifecycle extensions. Because independent hardware support organizations and secondary hardware resellers play a pivotal role in lifecycle extension strategies, this white paper directly addresses the use of these industries as a viable means to containing and optimizing OpEx (Operating Expense) and CapEx (Capital Expense) budgets.